Today I’ve realize that I’ve a routine…which I done it everyday when I open my notebook :) …I will never start doing my work (system dev) until finish doing all this ‘wajib’ routine… :D
1-Semua chat program akan launch automatically (wireless :P)….tgk mana2 kwn yg on9 and check any offline msg…
2-Check emails.. (myYahooMail,myGmail)-lama jgk nie…sbb byk sgt idMail…hehehehe…
3-Open my blog to see who has view it…..(who know… kot2 ada very2 important person view my blog… hehehe..)
4-Open all my friend blog in myFriend list to know their update routine…Alhafiz,Azlan,Fatin (to know lil’emir routine),Shu (sometimes view his because I am hungry blog…hehehe sedap2 masakan dlm 2…blk mesia mask unt wan ek???),Moon and the most I want to know his routine is lil’batrisya (comel sgt2)…
5-Open myFriendster,myOrkut and myYearBook..(kot2 ada comment@msg dr sapa2)
6-Before start my system dev…bkk real player unt memulakan tugas….
7-Lastly, open Xampp (as web server), MacDreamweaver (php), and localhost (to view my system..)
2jelah rutin yg dikenalpasti bila dah bkk notebook nie…ntah I donno why…I love to do what I’ve list above. To do all the stuff it’s take and hour…so fhm2lah kalu keje sepatutnya start kul 8pg sy mula keje kul brp… hehee…oklah…cukup smp sini..smbg lg nanti… salam…..
10 months ago
Hehehe... Rajin btol Wan. sure bosan masuk blog fatin coz tak byk update. since kj n ie bz lorrrrr.. :S
ReplyDelete2lah...huhuhu...dah lah xde masa nak g jmpa emir...past 2 mama dia pulak sibuk... :(..xpe2..nanti kita denda mama emir nie.... :D