Salam sumer…alhamdulillah..praise to Allah…HE helps me a lot…n now…my dream to be a PROGRAMMER one step closer…yey! Yesterday I’ve attend an interview to be a part of the trainee on ACCP Programme... Which if I been selected, I’ll be trained as a fresh programmer around 6 month at KLMU (formerly known as COSMOPOINT), after the six month training …I’ll get the MCSA@ACSA n I’ll going to real world job…n the great news is I already pass the first interview+3 test (mathematic+computer fundamental+Core JAVA programming)…n for this time interview..Only 4 person get the opportunity to go through the next interview n test session…and surprisingly, I was one of the person who have been selected … :)... and insyallah maybe mid of this month @ early of next month I’ll attend the last interview session at KL which it will be held at KLMU@putrajaya and the person who going to interview me n the rest is the people from Ministry of Human Resource…n I hope I’ll pass this interview+test session… :)…n from now on I need to practice my JAVA programming coz I’m already forgot a several part of the programming in JAVA… hehehe… JAVA is my love now…hahaha…need to memorize it back coz I only learn java when study at Ungku Omar Polytechnic….2004!!!4 years left… :D nway!!Wish me luck!!!!
10 months ago
Gud LUck n all D beSt!!! Makan Tido Minum JAVA starting frm now on! heheheehe...
ReplyDeletethx...:D hahahah...2lah pasal... JAVA....JAVA....JAVA....