Monday, March 28, 2011

Cara Wardina Latih Anak lekat Solat 5 Waktu...


Assalamualaikum semua..:) alhamdulillah sempat lagi wan nak berblog walaupun sibuk mengalahkan PM...hahahahaha...nway td tgh check2 FB tetiba nmpk to share to all the readers..rasa kita semua ptt buat mcm tu unt memulakan kaedah pendidikan anak2 unt mendirikan mak bapak kenalah solat elok2 dulu...u know wat did i mean..:D so nie wan copy n paste this entry about

Cara Wardina Latih Anak lekat Solat 5 Waktu...


by Wardina Safiyyah OfficialPage on Friday, March 11, 2011 at 8:47pm

Dear Mama, Ummi, Mum, Ibu, Bonda...

I have to share this with you... because i feel so happy and i feel that all my penat lelah paid off...

I started to make my Amna to solat 5 times a day when she was 7, on her 7th birthday...we had a talk...(check note lama) tapi preparation since 6 la...tapi dari kecik memang selalu ikut2 la kami solat....she hasnt missed her solat since. Walaupun lambat, tetap solat. I made sure of that - because the key is

SOLAT ni kalau tak tanam dari kecik memang LIAT nanti....But it is very important to keep this in mind:-

1) kalau kita bagi dia tinggal WALAUPUN sekali nanti we are sending the wrong signal - kena make sure - every waktu without fail, walaupun penat, ataupun lambat

2)l Selalu kalau boleh solat together..mula2 memang kena solat together....kalau tak ada rumah make sure an adult in the house pastikan anak kita solat. (hari tu Amna pergi her reading class, i asked her teacher to take her to the suarau) - lepas solat time tu lah peluk cium, senyum - i always kiss her at the head and say "Barakallahufiha" Ya Allah make my Amna a good Muslim Ya Allah....make her never miss her solat Ya Allah.....kuat2 bagi dia kalau kena amik cuti ambillah - bukan waktu exam je amik cuti - buatlah STEP ini, yakni melangkah ke alam 7 thaun dan tidak meninggalkan solat A BIG Thing! "mama amik cuti hari ni sebab nak pastikan yang adik solat 5 waktu sehari!"

3)Selalu cerita how IMPORATANT it is to Allah is watching us... how we are good Muslims when we solat, how Allah loves us, Solat tu, untuk kita, bukan untuk Allah.....TAPI selalu jugak cerita yang akan ada orang TAK solat...acknowledge the fact that sometimes we feel lazy to solat....itu semua

kerja SETAN! Fight them off....! I tell Amna that even some grown ups tak solat! I tell Amna that....we have to be strong.. we have to tell ourselves we will NEVER miss our solat.....

4)Awal2 subuh ni memang tak bangunkan, tapi as soon as dia bangun pagi, ill ask her to solat straight away.(yes memang leceh..but we have to, and we have to do it with LOVE diselang seli dgn strictness)

5)kalau dia tinggal - DENGAN sengaja, i take the rotan and hit her on her tapak tangan slowly, just as a reminder. After that i hug her and tell her i love her, and i just want her to remember - and guess what?? memang dia ingat!!! (3 kali baru, i think not bad, sampai satu hari dia terlambat solat, sebab keluar

dan memang tak ingat, dia yang suruh rotan) But i tell her kalau TERLUPA atau TERTIDUR its ok...but kena solat terus bila bangun.

Macam ni ceritanya, i told Amna, kalau Ummi ambik Amna dari sekolah lambat, Amna solat dulu Asar kat sekolah....tadi memang datang lambat...i was loking for her..and guess what???? She was actually praying her Asar prayers...sorang je kat dalam surau tu....i wanted to pengsan and cry...she did all by herself.... i pun told her how happy and how proud i was of her...i tanya dia kenapa? dia kata "Amna ingat apa Ummi cakap".....cair nya hatiku ini.

Apa lagi, Ummi ni peluk cium dia....and called nenek at im sharing with all of you!!! Because i want us to raise generation of good Muslims that are disciplined, smart, intelligent -that remembers Allah because the world so BADLY needs good QUALITY Muslims like this!!! And the foundation is - to start them off right - solat at SEVEN! Yes just as how Rasulullah asked us!

I love you all!!! Good night.....

But the key to all this IS Mak Ayah KENA dan WAJIB solat dulu...anak ketam tak boleh diajar berjalan terus...fahamkan?

p/s:wan tgh membaca satu buku tulisan prof.dr.huzaemah DIDIK ANAK GAYA RASULILLAH..nanti wan share ye apa yg wan dpt..:)

"setiap anak dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah tetapi ibu bapa yang menjadikan dia yahudi, nasrani ataupun majusi" - Dilaporkan oleh Bukhari dan Muslim


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

U've been tagged by cik puan ZAIMUN


Tag…lama dah x main tag nie…hahaha mainan ke??:P nway…cik puan zaimun n ie rajin btl dia mengetag cik puan wan nie…so disbbkan dia dah mengetag wan pun buatlah…walaupun sibuk zai…wan buat tau tag awak nie..hahahhaa…here the rules..:

1. Sila copy paste ini RULES.

2. Sila copy paste link Tuan Tanah yg meng-tagged anda.

3. Sila jawab kesemua soklan tag dgn penuh ikhlas dan jujur.

4. Last sekali.. sila tag 3 org blogger lain yg blom di tag oleh sesapa. (Sertakan sekali link blog mereka)

Tuan Tanah yg meng-tagged saya adalah --> cik puan ZAIMUN

soalan tag adalah seperti berikut :

1. Senaraikan 3 items dalam to-do list anda hari ni.

- Jd operator dkt aras 3 BMI untuk urusan teknikal Permohonan Ijazah Luar Negara 2011

- Siapkan penyata bayaran untuk student oversea…

- Kemas rumah sementara menunggu kedatangan enHubby ke sini…:P

2. Antara family dgn kerja, mana lebih penting? Kenapa?

- Both! Kerana kedua2nya memerlukan satu perhatian yang mantap dari wan..:D

3. Lagu yg menjadi kenangan smpai mati anda dan husband/bf anda?

- ANGEL by aerosmith & MY BABY YOU by marc anthony ;)

4. Rasa2 ingat lagi x tarikh anda bertemu dgn pasangan anda? Berikan tarikh dan hari..?

- Ingat2…hahah super excited!! :P tarikh wan bertemu kekasih hati adalah pada 19hb.12.1999 hari ahad lama x??:P

5. Harapan anda terhadap keluarga/kehidupan anda dalam tempoh 5thn akan datang?

- insyallah akan berusaha unt mengumpul harta dunia n akhirat sebyk mungkin…dpt baby lg..:D n hidup happily ever after…:)

6. Adakah anda suka SURPRISE? Kenapa?

- suke lor…tp yg best2 jer..yg x best tolak tepi…wan suka yg best sbb best…x suka yang x best sbb x best…hahahaha

7. Bagi 2 jenis buah yg anda paling x suka, tp pasangan anda sgt suka..?

- Dragon Fruit..apa ntah nama melayu nya

- xde kot..sbb kami dua2 suka buah!!!

8. Apakah barang paling mahal yg anda pernah beli, tp lepas tu anda menyesal kerana membelinya?

- hurm..buat masa nie..semuaaaaa kalau beli harus guna!!kalau x en hubby akan mengomel mengalakan mak nenek

9. Berikan 2 perkara kenapa anda suka blogging?

- Meluahkan rasa..yelah dok sorang2 kat sini..xde tempat mengadu…hahahah

-jmpa kwn2 lama yg ada blog…hehehehe

10. Paste/upload sekeping gambar anda yg anda rasa gambar paling cantik yg anda pernah ada dala koleksi gambar anda. (Gambar sorang je tau..!!)

Cantik x???wakakkaak M.E.N.T.A.L (muka penat slps berkejaran nak naik ets blk ke ipoh..N.A.T.U.R.A.L.B.E.A.U.T.Y :p )

11. Saya nak tag....

i) Cinoi -

ii) Ayu Kamalia -

iii) Cik Easy -

iii) Diana -



sedar x sedar dah 2 tahun wan keje gomen...hahhaah lagi setahun 3 tahun...then wan nak continue my cita2..hope berjayalah hendanya...n keluar KWSP jgk...wakakkaaka..alhamdulillah setakat 2 tahun kat JPA nie xde sbrg mslh timbul diantara wan dgn pihak pengurusan..cuma biasalah..wan nie akan glamour waktu seseth musim..x semua musim wan glamour..wah!mcm dok negara omputih pulak ada musim2..hahaha..insyallah selagi tenaga n pikiran wan masih diperlukan di JPA nie..wan akan berikan wan harap sblm masuk tahun ke-3 wan bekerja di JPA nie wan dpt bwk myHubby n myBaby duduk sama2 di putrajaya...seksa oo rasanya bila jauh..dah dgn skrg x boleh nak blk every weekend..dgn hubby pun x leh nak dtg selalu...dgn x dapat tgk baby...stresssssss gila!!! rasanya setakat nie jer..cuma wan nak wish all the best to all my friends PPTM sesi 1 24/03/2009... :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BPA free bottle


Assalamualaikum Dan Salam Sejahtera

Disbbkan pg2 dah kecoh pasal penggunaan botol yg ada polikarbonat Bisphenol A nie…wan pun google2lah nak menmberi sedikit info kepada pembaca kaedah memilih dan membeli BPA free bottle unt feed anak kalau kasik susu semulajadi lg syok!!!hehehehe jimat duit nak beli botol free BPA sbb a bit expensive botol demi kesihatan..apa salahnya kan???so ini apa yg wan dpt dr

How to choose BPA free baby bottle?

With all the toy recalls and increased awareness of the benefits of organics, parents are more aware than ever about dangers that plague their children. All parents want to give their babies the best start and buying bisphenol-A (BPA) free baby bottles is a smart way to limit some possible risks, even though science has said that BPA is safe. Here's how to buy BPA free baby bottles.


1. Look for a recycle number on the bottom of the bottles. Many polycarbonate products are not recyclable, so if there is a recycle number on the bottom, you may have run across a "safe" plastic. A recycle number has a triangle made of three arrows around it and is usually molded into the plastic.

2. Note the recycle number. Certain recycle numbers are said to be safer than others. Steer clear of numbers 3, 6 and 7. Numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5 are said to be safer. Categorizing plastics by recycle number is under some debate, so use your best judgement as to which plastics to buy.

3. Visit sites like BornFree where they specialize in BPA free plastic bottles. They are made from a new plastic called polyamide that does not have any known health risks. These BPA free bottles are more expensive than some others, but peace of mind is well worth any price.

4. Try glass bottles. Even though plastic is ingrained into parents' minds as what baby bottles are made of, glass bottles do still exist. Evenflo and BornFree currently have glass bottles on the market, and Dr. Brown is working on new bottles as well.

5. Check out zrecs.blogspot which gives several articles and ratings about which companies care about what plastic they are putting in your children's bottles. They have a comprehensive bottle rating system and have tested several sippy cups as well.

How to Buy BPA Free Baby Bottles???

With all the toy recalls and increased awareness of the benefits of organics, parents are more aware than ever about dangers that plague their children. All parents want to give their babies the best start and buying bisphenol-A (BPA) free baby bottles is a smart way to limit some possible risks, even though science has said that BPA is safe. Here's how to buy BPA free baby bottles.

1. Look for a recycle number on the bottom of the bottles. Many polycarbonate products are not recyclable, so if there is a recycle number on the bottom, you may have run across a "safe" plastic. A recycle number has a triangle made of three arrows around it and is usually molded into the plastic.

2. Note the recycle number. Certain recycle numbers are said to be safer than others. Steer clear of numbers 3, 6 and 7. Numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5 are said to be safer. Categorizing plastics by recycle number is under some debate, so use your best judgement as to which plastics to buy.

3. Visit sites like BornFree where they specialize in BPA free plastic bottles. They are made from a new plastic called polyamide that does not have any known health risks. These BPA free bottles are more expensive than some others, but peace of mind is well worth any price.

4. Try glass bottles. Even though plastic is ingrained into parents' minds as what baby bottles are made of, glass bottles do still exist. Evenflo and BornFree currently have glass bottles on the market, and Dr. Brown is working on new bottles as well.

5. Check out zrecs.blogspot which gives several articles and ratings about which companies care about what plastic they are putting in your children's bottles. They have a comprehensive bottle rating system and have tested several sippy cups as well.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jadual Saya!!!!

tgk apa di atas!!!!ya...inilah jadual yg bakal ditempuh lg 1 minggu!!!!lps itu bermulalah hari2 yg hectic!!!lps jadual ni abis...tgk bwh sekali kat jadual tu.....hingga april 20 wan akan super!!!!!!!! bizzy!!!!ya!!!saya akan jd superwomen start 23/3 till when x tau...lps PILN..diikuti dgn PIDN...smpi akhir thn...hahahah xde stop..mommy going crazy kalau x blk ipoh...papa preety please bwk damia kesini nak jgk cari peluang unt bercuti!!x kira!!!sy mau cuti jgk nanti!!!maybe on my 2nd anniversary ni...hehehhe...nway!
selamat bekerja mommy!!!!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

GA lg...:D (Anakku Comel Giveaway by Littlestoryfromlittlefamily)

Assalamualaikum semua...

ha...nmpk x???nmpk x??walaupun tgh merungut byk nie ttp ada masa unt GA...hehe contest yg menarik...hope dpt menang mcm GA sblm ini...
so..biasalah...setiap pertandingan ada syarat2nya..n syarat2 adalah seperti berikut :

nie gambar anak puan yg buat GA..bukan anak saya...heheheh
1. tak wajib FOLLOW - but...i follow....sbb nak tau update pasal contest nie..hahahha
2. Sila buat satu entry dengan tajuk :
Anakku Comel Giveaway by Littlestoryfromlittlefamily.
3. Letak banner di atas dalam entry dan sidebar korang beserta linkback ke entry ni.
3. Upload 1 saje picture anak korang yang korang rasa paling comel dimata korang. If ada lebih dari seorang anak, boleh buat 1 entry, 1 picture anak k. Dah siap entry, jangan lupa tinggalkan komen dengan link entry anda tersebut di entry ini.
4. tarikh tutup 12.03.2011 jam 11.59 pm
5. Tag sekurang-kurangnya 2 rakan anda untuk join giveaway nie.
saya tag ----> ayukamalia,nureize
5. Pemilihan pemenang adalah berdasarkan cabutan undi yang di lakukan oleh Batrice. Masuk tabung, kocak-kocak and tarik nama pemenang. So...if you're
LUCKY...u will WIN this giveaway. But don't worry...hadiah adalah untuk 5 orang yang bertuah.

Mudah kan.
So...jom join my 1st giveaway nie

Hadiah :
Di bawa exclusive dari Bandung. he he he.....
nie picca unt soalan/syarat no.3


Johnson Baby photoshot

Assalamualaikum semua...

hahahaha..ayat sgt mcm buat photoshot happening the reality is..berangan jer...
nway..last saturday g jln2 ngan damia n enHubby ke jusco,ipoh..xde tmpt lain..hehehe
pg sana beli baragan2 damia apa yg x cukup...tgk2 ada free baby photoshot unt sesiapa yg beli brgan baby johnsons rm30 and above...tgk2 damia pny barang dah qualified unt sajer jer test..sekali..tarraaaaa si comel ini!!!!!

mula2 ingat xnak..sekali...comelkan??hahaha unt lbh byk picca tgk FB...mcm byk jer..:P


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Buku Damia


ya..inilah bahananya kalau mama n papa suka beli benda2 yg damia still x tau functionnya... damia suka tgk gambar2 dlm buku2 nie...heheheh..janji damia suka...mama n papa lg suka...hope damia suka membaca mcm mama ye..xmo mcm papa..wakakkaak



Hard Drive


apa di atas??????hahaha tulah dia..kalau dah suka membazir tu..mmg suka2 jer dia beli benda yg dah ada....hahahhaa...sbnrnya dulu...dulu2lah...wan dah ada dah HD rasa mcm dah nak corrupt sebelum corrupt...baik beli baru...ayat inilah 'kesayangan' baru saya..selain lappy saya yg masih dikedai!!!!!mana lappy saya!!!!dah sebulan hntr x dpt2 lg....tis week final...x dpt lg tis week...i'll call sony!!!!!!mintak balik duit!!!!!n tkr lappy lain...yg lg best!!!ahhahahaha


Review: Hadiah GA

AUNTY MENANG!!!hahhaha xmo makcik2 hokey!!!itulah yang dikatakan rezeki tahun baru :D
x sgka GA yg 1st time masuk terus menang..x dpt no 2 jd ar kan...janji menang..kalau sesapa x tau pasal kes ini...mcm polis pulak..sila rujuk sini dan sini...n for tis entry...wan nak tunjuklah apa yg wan dpt....tetiba tgh wat keje..ada akak ofis nie dtg meja...cik wan..nie ada bungkusan.... ya...ini dia....presenting... Sinfully-Stitched-Keechee-Bags betul ke nama dia..:D sorry kalau silap...???

1. parcel tiba

2. parcel dah di koyak2

3. tarra.....cantik ke tidak?????:D

4. isi kandung...bkn kandungan yer...:P

5. TQ...papakeechee..:D

nway...dah guna dah beg nie...sgt suka...besar...boleh ltg barang baby..:D



baru2 nie tgh kemas2 meja for 5s...x abis2..menyampah..hahaha tetiba jmpa benda nie...

surat pengesahan bersalin

dah dkt 9bln dah damia...rindu btl saat bila pikir2 blk..nanti dululah...heheheh tggu damia besaaaaar sikit..n tggu damia dah duk ngan wan kat putrajaya ni barulah pikir tambah lg...heheheh.. alhamdulillah setakat nie enHubby ok jer...:D


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